you are a medical nightmare
Published on December 30, 2003 By alramme In Welcome
medicate me. throw bandaids all over my body and am i better, no. when will the day come when doctors don't lose sight of their purpose, which is to heal, to the arrogance of having MD attached to their office door. What is lacking in this country is the acceptance of the entire range of healing options to patients. Where does the string start? IN med schools most likely, and physical therapy schools as well. So called alternative medicine, which has results that speak for themselves, relegated to some quack. The MDs say, if the so called alternative therapy helps you, then you must not have been really that hurt in the first place. Oh contraire, monfrere. The so called alternative medicine practicioners are vastly above and beyond narrow minded, gouging minded MDs. Not only do they actually care about healing their patients, they believe in their therapies ability to help and follow through. Maybe it's that doctors know their bullshit is shit; that their coloring every situation with the same brush doesn't work but that they don't have time for attention to specific conditions since their bottom lines depend on it- their very lack of belief gives them the mindset necessary to do what they do, which is manhandle desparate people in pain, people who listen to their doctors because they will try anything to get better, because they don't know any better, not being doctors themselves. It is the very belief component of the so called alternative medicine practioners that their practices work which makes them vulnerable to the ideological knives of MDs who call them quack. But nobody believes on faith; they believe because results speak for themselves, and people in pain who have been helped by many alternative therapies who prove that they work. Nobody wants to live with pain or pop pills the rest of their lives in order to function normally. But doctors tell you this is the only way; they absolutely do not ever recommend specialists who may use alternative means- alternative only meaning, not included in med schools- to relieve people's pain and reduce their dependence on the drugs whose sales underly doctors' bottom lines and the pharmaceutical industry. This is bullshit, and when will we do something about it? When will sufferers who have experienced the healing and health rebuilding results of so called alternative therapies demand their treatment as serious options, as valid as taking some pain meds to bandage the pain away for today, everyday for the rest of one's life?
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